Sunday, 27 March 2016

                  Interview with a unique personality

Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life; everyone must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment. Therein  he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated, thus, everyone’s task is unique as his specific opportunity to implement it.

Every once in a while I wonder how would things differ if Professor Shukkur ( Calicut university) would have had a different personality, diverse qualities and unknown talents. Would his life be as wonderful as it is right now? I guess not, and that it the moment I stop thinking "what if” because He is who He is and that is the reason of him being a unique man. I realize that He is content as He is and therefore,wouldn't change a thing about himself.

I consider that his positive values are abundant and equal in importance, there is one that outstands the others. This gifted quality is originality. He love to do things differently than others and with this he has expanded his creativity- another quality that makes him distinctive among people-. These two particular traits have made him outstand in particular projects within college and in his daily life.
After reviewing some of his positive characteristics, I must say that there is one negative feature that is troubling my mind. My professor is too obsessed with perfection. Although many people consider this characteristic a good one, for me it is just an excess of worrying the mind to obtain something faultless, a thing that couldn't be better. He spend too much time in giving projects and will not stop working on it until it is close to perfection.

These qualities are very important for his body because they are the ones that form his personality and therefore his life. If humans wouldn't have different characteristics, the world would be filled with lifeless bodies walking through the streets. All of these positive and negative facts about him and each citizen are the ones that make up our irreplaceable individuality. He loves to give heavy works to students and I felt that is this necessary?. But, in the long run it happened useful .I haven’t seen in my entire life such a dedicated man and a human being. Eventhough he makes his students to work hard he is good at heart and try’s to understand  problems. He was an orphan and has to battle hard with his life through his career. He often donates his salary to orphanages and visits once in every week. He says being alone in the world is the biggest tragedy and he is a helping hand to many who are alone. He is such a good soul, a kind hearted man and also a good teacher.

Values are more than just a set of personal rules, they are guidelines for a way of living and a reflection of one's character. His life is directed by many values, including the concepts of  moral, physical, and intellectual strengths within, which can show a lot about a person. His moral beliefs are something that he shows faith in. He do not allow his moral beliefs to be swayed in opposing directions by others. Physical strength is also a major component. Staying in shape and being healthy helps to improve the way he live. Taking Ncc classes has helped him to become more athletic and competitive. Intellectual strength, in my opinion, is most important in life because I use my personal intellectual strength each day in everything I do. I feel that life lessons are learned when one is strengthened intellectually. He personally believes that beliefs, customs, and traits define a person. He value the fact that he is an individual and always make sure to create his own direction in life and not take after the path of others. Having his own unique and irreplaceable personality is something that I truly portray as a gift. Standing out from others is not something people would normally want, but I find that being one of a kind is a positive way to be remembered. These values, Vires and Mores, give meaning and aspiration to life. I know that by attending Christ University, I will be able to apply these ideas to everything that I do there and be led to success.

“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they’re right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”  

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